Click the Submittable Icon to Submit

Submissions open November 15, 2024. DEADLINE FOR THE 2025 Edition is MARCH 31st 2025
Submit one piece of Short Fiction or Nonfiction
Short Fiction and Nonfiction - up to 2500 words OR Flash Fiction 100-500 words
Submit only well-edited copies that would be ready for publication. Unedited pieces that are not adequately punctuated will not be chosen for publication. Submissions that do not adhere to guidelines will not be considered.
Writing entries must be electronically submitted as .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt files.
Writing entries must be formatted using 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial font.
For Short Fiction and Creative Nonfiction, indent each new paragraph by five spaces using the tab button (not space bar). Follow conventions for punctuating dialogue.
Single space all writing entries unless part of style.
The title of each work and author's name, address, telephone number, school, and email address must be completed on the online submission form.
The author's name must not appear anywhere on the work itself.
Entries should be labeled as Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Flash Fiction, or Poetry (ON THE SUBMISSION FORM) Remember that fiction is imaginary, made-up, and nonfiction is not made-up but instead is true, based on real events and people.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but no more than two poems and one piece of fiction or creative nonfiction may be submitted per submission period. Please notify Portals Magazine if your piece is accepted elsewhere and you plan to withdraw it for consideration.
Portals acquires first serial rights. By submitting for publication, you also agree that Portals reserves the right to use your published submission for the magazine's promotions. All other rights revert to the author upon publication.
Previously unpublished submissions only.
We accept submissions from UNDERGRADUATE North Carolina students from all colleges and faculty/staff at Cape Fear Community College.

Submit up to two Poems
Poetry--up to 50 lines
Submit only well-edited copies that would be ready for publication. Unedited pieces that are not adequately punctuated will not be chosen for publication. Submissions that do not adhere to guidelines will not be considered.
Writing entries must be electronically submitted as .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt files.
Writing entries must be formatted using 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial font.
Single space all writing entries unless part of style.
The title of each work and author's name, address, telephone number, school, and email address must be completed on the online submission form.
The author's name must not appear anywhere on the work itself.
Entries should be labeled as Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Flash Fiction, or Poetry (ON THE SUBMISSION FORM)
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but no more than two poems and one piece of fiction or creative nonfiction may be submitted per submission period. Please notify Portals Magazine if your piece is accepted elsewhere and you plan to withdraw it for consideration.
Portals acquires first serial rights. By submitting for publication, you also agree that Portals reserves the right to use your published submission for the magazine's promotions. All other rights revert to the author upon publication.
We accept previously unpublished submissions only.
We accept submissions from UNDERGRADUATE students from all North Carolina colleges and faculty/staff at Cape Fear Community College.

Art Submission Requirements Submit up to two entries Prints,
Photographs, Computer Art, Drawings, Paintings
All art entries must be submitted electronically as .jpg, .jpeg, or .gif files with a target dpi of 300 and a minimum image width of 4 inches.
The online submission form must be fully completed.
The title of each work and author's name, address, telephone number, and email address must be completed on the online submission form.
The author's name must not appear anywhere on the work itself.
Entries should be labeled as 2-D Visual Art (ON THE SUBMISSION FORM)
All entries must be technically proficient. Please include a brief description of the medium used to create the piece, for example, photograph, oil painting, etc. We will not accept AI created art.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but no more than a total of two pieces of art may be submitted. Please notify Portals Magazine if your piece is accepted elsewhere and you plan to withdraw it for consideration.
Previously unpublished submissions only.
Portals acquires first serial rights. By submitting for publication, you also agree that Portals reserves the right to use your published submission on a one-time basis for the magazine's promotions. All other rights revert to the author upon publication.
We accept submissions from UNDERGRADUATE North Carolina students from all colleges and faculty/staff at Cape Fear Community College.
*Submissions that do not adhere to all of the submission guidelines will not be considered for publication. We are unable to send confirmation on whether submission guidelines have been met for each entry, so please submit carefully.
All student submissions are voted on by faculty and student editors who are blind to the author/artist.